The Dilemma Of Love – (part 1)

by Pastor Vincent Imwensi

Love is a beautiful thing
Have you ever been in love? I mean romantic love with someone of the opposite sex? I am not talking of infatuation and lust but real sincere love. If you have, you will agree with me that it is a wonderful thing.

To truly love somebody who also loves you with the same or greater intensity is one of the most beautiful experiences known to man. It fills your life with sunshine, your heart with gladness and your mouth with laughter. In fact, it adds meaning to life and makes it worth living.

 I know what it means
By God’s grace, I became a born again Christian early in my life and so the Bible became “a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”. As a result, I did not dabble much into the quagmire of youthful lusts with all the pains, hurts, heartaches and regrets that often go with it. I saw what happened to some of my colleagues and friends who went out to experiment.

It was not that I did not find the opposite sex attractive or that I was never tempted – of course I was! But I understood from God’s word that I needed to wait until I was ready for true love before venturing into it.

So I waited patiently (while concentrating on my studies) until I was ready to get married and that was when I opened the door. Prayerfully, I went out searching and I found. Yes, I fell in love with someone really special and married my sweetheart.

It has been a number of years since then (well over ten years) and today, we are happier together than we’ve ever been – and I mean that.

To be honest with you, it has not always been a smooth ride. There have been times when it was all so sweet, but also there have been many troubled times when things were rough, when the violent and ugly winds of life’s realities threatened to blow us apart. So I am not a total novice in this department, I have learnt one or two things.

Like a jigsaw puzzle
There is perhaps no other subject on earth today, other than love, which has within it the capacity to generate a combination of opposing extremes.

It can provoke the greatest excitement as well as the deepest disappointment; it can produce sweetness as well as bitterness, goodness as well as wickedness, kindness as well as cruelty, gentleness as well as violence, happiness as well as heartaches …. etc.

Nothing can build as well as love does and yet nothing can destroy more than love when it turns sour. It can bring two total strangers into oneness and bond them together in beautiful harmony but also, it can tear apart bosom friends and make them unforgiving enemies.

It can beam the light of hope and lift up the downcast into a high euphoria of bliss but at the same time, if not handled properly, it can wipe the smile off the face of the happiest person and cast his soul down into the pool of deep despair.

Those who don’t have it wish for it but those who mishandle it wish they never had it. Love is something you can’t satisfactorily live without.

Life without love (not necessarily romantic love) is like an empty shell. But when violated, love can turn into something you want to run from. What a dilemma indeed!

What went wrong with love?
Something is not right somewhere about this love thing. How can the very thing that is supposed to yield so much fulfillment, joy and happiness become the root cause of so much bitterness, wickedness, disappointment and sadness?
Do you know how many people each year pull the trigger or stab with a cruel knife to kill the one they are supposed to love most dearly?

Many reasons may be advanced for this but I believe that the chief cause of love dilemma is because God is left out of it.

Love between man and woman (romantic love) was God’s idea, to begin with. It was God who said it was not good for man to be alone and He created the woman as a result (Gen.2:18-25).

When Adam set his eyes on Eve, it was love at first sight. He was so excited that he constructed a poem right on the spot –
“…This is now bone of my bones,
and flesh of my flesh:
she shall be called Woman,
because she was taken out of Man.
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother,
and shall cleave unto his wife:
and they shall be one flesh…”

And that melody of love and sweet harmony between Adam and his wife continued until man fell out with God through disobedience.
Sorry if you do not believe the Bible but I do.

It still works today
Letting God into your life and basing your marriage or relationship on His word is the best antidote against “love decay” and the best tonic that can protect your love and keep your love life from turning sour.

Hacking your spouse’s telephone conversations, probing every unfamiliar number that you find on their phone bills or even hiring private detectives to stalk them will not safeguard your love. Look around and you will see that this is true. In fact, more than likely, these actions will bring in the divorce lawyers quicker than anything else.

The reason I don’t cheat on my wife
By God’s grace, I do not cheat on my wife and I am not about to do so. In fact, the mere thought of it is offensive to me.

That is not to say that I am better or stronger than anyone else – not at all.
If you must know, the reason is NOT because I am a disciplined man (with plenty of self-control) or that I do not feel tempted by the opposite sex or that I hold a responsible position as a Pastor or that my wife is so flawless that she doesn’t do things that I hate sometimes or that I don’t want to hurt her feelings – none of those.

Of course, I would hate to purposely do anything that will hurt her feelings but there is a way a man’s weakness can get hold of him that he ends up doing weird things without caring about who gets hurt and who doesn’t. That is the naked truth.

The reason I don’t cheat on my wife is because of my relationship with God through faith in Christ Jesus. To me, this is a very real thing. This relationship has brought into my life the fear of God, the ability to overcome temptations and personal weaknesses as well as the consciousness of His indwelling presence.

Even behind closed doors in a remote hotel, God’s presence is there. How can you then do what He calls abomination right before His watching eyes? Such a wonderful consciousness makes it hard to do some ugly stuff. Every truly born again Christian committed to walking with God can testify to these blessed realities in their lives.

You don’t know what you are missing!
People don’t know what they miss when they live their lives based on their own humanistic ideologies without God. A living relationship with the almighty God is not only life-changing, it is exciting and with many advantages including where love is concerned.

I am not talking of dead religiosity here – I am talking of a living relationship with God (by faith in Christ Jesus) that satisfies the deep longings of the human soul.

Dear friend, you need Him more than you do realize and I invite you to open the door of your heart and enter into a wonderful relationship with God. He loves you!  Click here to find out how.

Why Did The American President
Forget To Thank God
(On Thanksgiving Day) – Or Did He?

By Pastor Vincent Imwensi

I am not a political commentator or analyst but just like anyone else, I do contemplate on issues around me.

And so when it hit the headlines two months ago that the American President made a speech on the national Thanksgiving day (November 24th, 2011) without mentioning God – talk less of thanking Him, it was a matter for concern not only to me, but to many people across the world.

He thanked military personnel, service men and women, pilgrims, pioneers and patriots, cooks, as well as family, community, country and all Americans – but not God! That touched my heart.

Let’s Not Pretend About It

Someone may say that was last year and it is a forgotten issue but I say no! Why? Because the reasons behind what the President did (or did not do) in that speech are still there and they won’t go away by pretending they are not there. There are serious implications in that.

I am not an American but since America has come to be regarded by many people (rightly or wrongly) as the biggest Christian nation on earth right now, such an act provokes some serious thinking in the minds of God-minded people around the world.

This Is Not A Criticism

I am not one of those who like to criticize those in authority. In accordance with the word of God, I endeavour not to speak evil of those in positions of authority. What I owe them is not criticism but respect, prayer and obedience in righteousness.

There are several people who spend a lot of time blaming leadership for their woes. While certain problems are caused by leadership blunders, most of the time the people have more to do with the problem they are complaining about than those in leadership.

There are even those who have made a career out of criticism, fault-finding and finger pointing at those in authority. I detest and hate it. Therefore, the purpose of this writing is not fault finding and criticism – it is to bring certain truth to light.

Who Is Behind America’s Greatness?

America is a great nation and even though there are some people and nations that are ill disposed towards America and Americans, there are many that love America and Americans.
In fact, in many parts of Africa, merely saying that you are from America confers immediate respect on you. Is it any wonder that it is the lifelong dream of many in different parts of the world to migrate to America?

But what or who made America great? Some think it is their clever politicians, or their strong military or their inventors or their industrialists. But it is none of these. Other nations are equally endowed and in some cases, even more. Don’t tell me that the Americans are smarter than the British or the Russians!

I believe that the greatness of America derives from God. Without Him, every human effort, skill, training or experience will come to naught.

The Americans Know Their History Better Than Anyone Else

The American people are intelligent, well read and well-schooled – so I believe they know their history better than anyone else. I am sure they know how the whole idea of a day of national Thanksgiving came about. So turning it into something else is not the doing of one person.

In fact, if we were to postulate that they have forgotten what the national day of Thanksgiving is all about,  their President certainly did not.

A Little Bit Of History:


Thanksgiving Day Was Intended To Thank God

As far as I understand, the whole idea was to thank the Almighty God for His bountiful blessings upon the nation and its citizens.

The Pilgrims started it in 1621 and the reason was to thank God. It is said that it was a tradition they brought with them from England where the idea also was to thank God for His gracious providence and provision.

Then on October 3, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln made a proclamation establishing the last Thursday in the month of November as a national day of “Thanksgiving and Praise” to God … (well, it has since been amended to the fourth Thursday in November).

That God was the object of this Thanksgiving celebration is eloquently expressed in that declaration. After enumerating so many blessings that God had brought upon the nation including that of protection, preservation, provision, prosperity and so on, he said:

No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People.

I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens”

You can see that the idea was NOT to thank one another but God.

How the whole thing now turned around such that it is all about thanking men instead of God – to the point that He doesn’t even deserve a mention in the President’s Thanksgiving speech, is difficult to understand.

The President Did Not Forget And It Was Not A Mistake

I believe he did not forget that he is supposed to thank God, it was not a mistake that he did not do it, instead, it was a deliberate omission.

Take a look at the American president and you will see that he is smart, clever and intelligent – don’t expect him to forget something like that!

Moreover, do you know how many times that speech was rehearsed and cross examined before it was broadcast? He was simply playing safe – saying what is agreeable to most Americans nowadays and not likely to ruffle many feathers.

In politics, you have to dance to the drum beat of those that put you in power otherwise, if they cannot impeach you before the completion of your tenure, they will not vote for you in the next election.

Don’t Blame The President – Ask The People

I know that many people are quick to pin the blame of the president but in reality, he is not to blame – ask the people what happened to their relationship with God.

After all, when in 1939 President Franklin Roosevelt changed the Thanksgiving day to the 3rd Thursday of the month of November instead of the last, there was a great public outcry (oh well, because of the financial implications).

And that was why in 1941, by an act of Congressional Joint Resolution, the 4th Thursday of November was set as a national day of Thanksgiving and it has been so ever since.

How many Americans are concerned that on a day set aside to thank God for His goodness to the nation, His name was not even mentioned in the president’s Thanksgiving speech talk less of thanking Him?

What do you think the reaction will be in the Congress right now, if someone was to complain that God was not mentioned (in the President’s Thanksgiving speech) talk less of being thanked? I believe that person will be booed and told to shut up. So don’t tell me the president is to blame!

What Happened To “God’s Own Country”?

Although this phrase has been jokingly used for different nations (including America), it seems to be more true of America because of the abundant blessings and prosperity upon that nation, their open heartedness towards the gospel of Christ (in the past) and their public acknowledgement of the God of the Bible – that is, until more recent years.

Once upon a time, most American presidents were not ashamed to acknowledge their faith in the living God publicly. Till today, the American motto is “In God We Trust” and it is printed on their currency. But all that is now changing.

And I won’t be surprised if a group of politically correct intellectuals and politicians are hard at work to scrap that motto and replace it with something else. Is this still “God’s own country”? Well, I don’t know.

God Deserves More Than A “Mention” In America.

What some complained about in the President’s Thanksgiving speech was that he did not “mention” God – not that he did not thank God for His goodness to the nation.

If he had sprinkled a careless and politically correct “God bless America” on his thanksgiving speech,(as has been done in previous years), many would have been content.

Mind you, saying “God bless America” in a Thanksgiving speech, is not the same thing as thanking God for His goodness to the nation, yet many would have been ok with that – at least he mentioned God! How else can you define superficiality and lip service?

It was even better he didn’t do it at all than being hypocritical about it.

What Evil Has God Done To America?

At last, some smart politicians, opinion leaders, intellectuals and liberalists have eventually come to see that public acknowledgment of the living God is not healthy for the nation: it is offensive, injurious, divisive and unprofitable.

Praying in public places has been banned in schools and public places, it is now forbidden to hang the Ten Commandments in public buildings in most of the States (if not all).

It has become politically incorrect to acknowledge Christmas in America – (it is now called the “Holidays” to strip the season of its association with “Christ” which many Americans now find offensive).

In fact, during this last Christmas, (25th December, 2011) several people in America took to the streets on Christmas day (it was in the news) to protest against Christmas symbols in public places such as the Nativity scene and Christmas trees. Can you imagine that? What evil has Christ done to America? Has God not been good to that country – well, you judge.

Some Changes Can Lead To  Downfall.

Any river that forgets (or that is cut off from) its source will soon dry up irrespective of how much water pours into it from other sources.

Change is a good thing and making changes is often part of making progress but that is on the ground that the change is a positive one.

There are changes that lead to downfall instead of elevation, demotion instead of promotion, failure instead of success, poverty instead of prosperity and retrogression instead of progress. So there are some changes never to make.

Any change by which any people move away from God instead drawing closer to Him is a bad change and it always leads downwards. Read the accounts of the nation of Israel in the Bible and you will see a vivid illustration of this.

A Call To Repentance

What I have highlighted in this article is not about Americans alone. Many nations are forgetting God and some even boast about it.

As you read this article, I want to ask you dear friend, does God have a place in your life? Or are you among the many millions (if not billions) of humanity to whom God is irrelevant? But He still owns the breadth in your nostril and when you leave this world you will stand before Him to give account of your life on earth – believe it or not.

Now is the time to turn to Him. He loves you and cares about you. He wants you to come into a personal relationship with Him. Click here to find out how.

CHRISTMAS – Celebrating Without The Celebrant

by Pastor Vincent Imwensi

How would you like it to be your birthday and people gather to celebrate it but decide not to allow you into the party? You are locked out and in fact the mere mention of your name, offend some of the celebrants – how would you like that?

Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? But that is how a lot of people treat the One whose birth they celebrate during Christmas!

Do you realise that Christmas is actually somebody’s birthday? Yes, it is Jesus Christ’s birthday. Christmas is actually named after Him. Take “Christ” away from “CHRISTmas” and you will see that what is left (“mas”) doesn’t make sense.

Subtle Denials

Yet if you look around, you will see the many subtle ways in which so many people are seeking to take Christ out of Christmas.

For instance, in the United States of America, this season used to be the Christmas season but now that has been changed to the holiday season and the greeting is now “happy holidays” instead of “merry Christmas”.
Why? Because “Christmas” reminds people of Christ and refers to Him (which may offend some people) but “holiday” takes people’s minds away from Him to something totally different. And yet, Christ is the reason for the season.

Maybe it is not politically correct to say “merry Christmas” in nation whose motto is “In God We Trust”. Oh well, who knows, maybe it is not the God of the bible they are referring to after all. To my own mind, this is a crying shame and it is unfortunate.

Even here in London (United Kingdom), you can see the same subtle denial going on in different ways. There used to be Christmas music and songs in the air everywhere you go during the Christmas season. But now it has turned to “silent Christmas”.

Go to the shops, you will see people, busy as bees, buying all sorts for Christmas but not a single word is being said about the One who is the reason for Christmas – Christmas songs are no more.

In fact, in many shops and super malls, you don’t even see Christmas greetings anywhere!
And yet someone said to me not long ago that the United Kingdom is a “Christian nation”. Hahaha …. really?

The Date Argument
Of course there are people who take great pains and go to great lengths to try to prove that Jesus Christ was not born on the 25th of December. They may or may not be right but that is not the point.

What we celebrate is the very fact that He was born into this world and somehow, the 25th of December has become the preferred day in which His birth is celebrated all over the world.

We are familiar with a situation where somebody’s birthday may be on a Monday but he may not celebrate it until the following Saturday. Is it therefore less of a birthday because he did not mark it on Monday? Of course not.

Therefore Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. He is the reason for the season.

Jesus Christ – The Gift Of God’s Love

Who is this Jesus Christ and why does the whole world stop to mark His birthday?

The Bible provides clear answers to this question:

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” – Luke 2:11

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” John 3:16

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” John 14:6

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” Acts 4:12

Jesus Christ is God’s gift of love to a lost and suffering humanity. In Him is our salvation, peace, forgiveness, freedom from sin and it’s consequences, divine favour and the hope of everlasting life. Without Him, we are lost in sin and without hope for all eternity.

He is the greatest gift ever known to man. Haven’t you noticed that during Christmas people give gifts (or presents)? It is because Christmas is about the gift of God – the gift of His love to us in the person of Jesus Christ, the Saviour.

But for any gift offered to you to become yours, you have to receive or accept it. In the same way, to realise the benefit of the greatest gift of Christmas (Jesus Christ), you have to receive Him as your personal Saviour and Lord by a simple act of faith.

Let Him In And Celebrate This Christmas With The Celebrant

So as you prepare for this Christmas, here is a key question: are you going to be celebrating with the Celebrant or without the Celebrant?

He says in His word “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” – Rev.3:20

Here, He is talking about the door of your heart. Will you open to Him today? If you would like to do that, here is a simple prayer to help you:

All Mighty God, I thank you for the gift of your love – Jesus Christ. Today, I open the door of my heart and invite Jesus Christ into my heart to be my Saviour and Lord.

I repent of my sins and ask you to please forgive me. By faith, I welcome Jesus Christ into my life right now and I receive the gift of eternal life, in Jesus’ name, amen.

If you prayed the above prayer committing your life to Christ, I say congratulations. Now you will see the difference it makes when you celebrate Christmas with the Celebrant – Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

Click here for further information and to access very helpful faith building materials, free of charge.

The Day Of Death Is Better Than The Day Of Birth – Or Is It? – (Part 1)

by Pastor Vincent Imwensi

A lot of times, when people have suffered a serious tragedy or are facing severe hardships/difficulties, they often wish for death. And if they die in such a situation, it is common to hear their loved ones saying it was better for them to die than to have continued to live. Death is seen as a relief in such circumstances.

In fact, this is the same kind of thinking that has led and still leads and tempts many people to deliberately take their own lives by committing suicide. Could they be making a serious mistake?

Even though there is a verse of scripture (Ecclesiastes 7:1) that tends to subscribe to that philosophy, it is important that we know the sense in which it can be true that the day of one’s death is better than that of his birth and the sense in which it is not.

Here are some key questions to answer:

Do I know why I am here or how I got here?
A lot of people do not know the reason why man is on earth to begin with. The question of how we got here and what we are here for need to be answered to give meaning to our existence on earth. A person who lives through life without even knowing what being here is all about is like one who lived in the dark. Sad to say, that is the story of countless millions.

Some think and actually teach that we just happened out of nowhere. According to some university intellectuals and their adherents, we are a product of a “big bang” brought about by the fusion of certain atoms sometime in the distant past. But they are yet to tell us who made those so called atoms (or maybe they just happened on their own too!). As ridiculous as that is, many still believe it!

And thanks to Mr. Darwin and his proponents, we are a product of evolution. In fact, man’s great grandparents were apes. But one simple question they have not been able to answer is what stopped the process?

Till this very day, birds are still hatching out birds after their kinds, goats are giving birth to goats, lions to lions, dogs continue to produce dogs, fish produce fish after their kinds in their numerous varieties and even apes themselves are still birthing apes.

So if apes evolved into humans, what stopped the process? When last did anyone see an ape that evolved into a human being?

Let’s stop fooling around with all these misleading and baseless theories and accept the plain truth that there is a God who made all things including man just like the Bible tells us.

To my own mind, no one is supposed to live and die without knowing how he got here or who sent him here. How can the day of death be better than of birth when a person dies without finding an answer to the most basic question about his life on earth?

Where am I going when I leave here?
This is another basic question. If it was true that life ends in the grave, then in all situations and circumstances, death will be a relief, a way out of a life of troubles and problems.
But that life does not end in the grave is a fact that cannot be contested beyond any reasonable doubt. If fact, there are more evidences (even scientific ones) that confirm that physical death is not the end of a man’s life.

For instance, think of “near death experiences” (NDE). There are several real-life accounts of people who died, were confirmed dead by medical doctors but later came back to life to narrate what happened when they left their dead bodies. They found that they were alive somewhere else after death.
Such experiences are not a product of mere psychological hallucinations or trauma as is often alleged by those who would prefer to brush them aside.

Then think of Jesus Christ who was crucified, died and was buried but on the third day, He resurrected from the dead and forty days after, before the watching eyes of many people, He ascended alive into heaven (see Luke 23 and 24).

And not only that, there are also numerous passages in the Holy Bible that explain that man’s life does not end in the grave – there is life after death.

But here is a key point: We learn also from the scriptures that those who die do not all go to the same place. You either go to a place of pleasure and glory when you die or to a place of unending torment and gloom – it all depends on one crucial criterion – whether or not your soul is saved. Click here to find out how.

For someone to die without knowing where he is going is like taking a leap into the dark.
If an individual dies without being saved meaning that he is going to a place of unending torment after death, how can the day of death be better than that of birth for that individual?

Death is not an escape route neither is it a relief from sufferings except your soul is saved through the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. This statement may not be politically (or even religiously) correct but it is true according to the word of God.

So dear friend, is your soul saved? Make sure it is before you leave here! Want to know how? Click here.

Watch out for part 2.


by Pastor Vincent Imwensi

There are certain things that are not for kings. I did mention in my last article (Successful people have dos and don’ts) that the Bible is a gold mine of wisdom and success keys and here is one of those nuggets:

It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings…..” (Prov.31:3).

The principle here does not only apply to the monarchs of kingdoms but also to anyone who is at the helm of affairs in any capacity. Those who are not yet there but dream of rising to the top will do well to take heed to this counsel too.

What is particularly intriguing about this is that the king has all authority and power to do whatever he pleases (especially at the time when the Bible was written), yet he is told here that he must keep away from certain things. In other words, he must not think that his privileged position gives him the privilege to do whatever he pleases – he must have boundaries to his conducts and he must have checks and balances in place.

Why? Because that is how to protect the kingdom over which he reigns, preserve his position as king and retain the honour and dignity that is befitting to his kingly position.

Who is a king?
Like I said earlier, you do not need to be a monarch or president of a nation for this to apply to you. It applies to any headship or leadership position of any degree. For instance, it will apply to you as the CEO of an organization, or the pastor of a church, or the manager of a department, or the head of a family or the group leader of any functional unit of any kind.

Also, according to the scriptures, born again Christians belong to heavenly royalty and have been made kings and priests in Christ Jesus (Rev.1:5-6). Don’t worry if you don’t understand what that means but know that if you are born again, you are a king and this applies to you.

Painfully true
Examples abound to underscore the wisdom of what I am sharing with you. Let me give you a few: A married man took liberty into his hands and starting going to bed with his house girl (or au pair) for illicit sexual indulgence. Right from the first time he did it, he reduced himself to her level and lost her respect. His wife later found out and his marriage hit the rock and shattered to pieces.

In 1998, a well celebrated and highly respected president of the United states of America (I don’t want to mention names), indulged in an immoral affair with a staff at the white house. When it leaked, it cost him dearly. His reputation deflated like a punctured balloon and his international acclaim turned into ridicule. If only someone had told him that there are certain things that are not for kings!

About three years ago, a sports superstar and superhero, holding several world records in track events, tested positive for steroids. After some interrogations, she tearfully admitted her guilt. Not only was she stripped of her medals but was also sentenced to jail. The honour and dignity she once enjoyed for her numerous sporting achievements flew out of the window. If only she had known that ‘it is not for kings’!

Spare yourself the pain, the fear, the blackmail and the damage
The funny thing is, when “kings” are yielding to the temptations and persuasion to do what they are not supposed to, they think it will not affect them in any negative way. Sometimes, even when they know that such actions can be devastating, they think it will never be found out.
Then there are others who are deceived into thinking that even if it becomes exposed, they are well able to handle it and silence the repercussions. But by the time they find out how wrong they were with such assumptions, it is too late.

Right now, there are some “kings” out there who have paid and/or are still paying thousands of dollars to suppress the publicity of their hidden misdemeanor. They have made themselves helpless victims of a threatening blackmail in the hands of their traitors.

Then there are those whose hearts beat faster than normal because of the tormenting fear that what they have done might be discovered and made public anytime. These ones have neither the resources nor the option of paying to cover up their tracks. They know what the consequences will mean to their career, reputation, family and position. What a miserable way to live!

And yet, all these hidden torments, threats, blackmail and other tragic consequences can be avoided by taking heed to this simple wisdom that there are certain things that are not for kings.

What a paradox!
Let me ask you – have you ever given in to any weakness, or pressure or temptation and done what you know to be wrong? Have you ever done something for which you later blamed yourself because you knew enough not to have done it in the first place?

I will be surprised if anyone answered “no” to that question. This is one of the strangest problems that we have as humans – to know that something is wrong and can be damaging and still go ahead to do it nevertheless.

That is dumb, isn’t it? It means we are all ‘dumb’ then – without exception.

Indeed, the problem is more than just being “dumb”. It has something to do with the fallen nature of man for which man has no answer. That is why you find that the most disciplined, well cultivated and strong-willed people still fail at this point.

Here is the solution
Thankfully, there is a solution to this problem. The solution is found in Jesus Christ. When a person believes in and receives Jesus Christ as his Saviour, something happens to his entire nature. The person becomes born again or born anew which means that a new godly nature is impacted into such an individual.

Within this new nature is the power to live right and say no to what is wrong. Just like the law of aerodynamics suspends the law of gravity and makes it possible for a heavy object like the aeroplane to fly, that is how it is here. The power of the new nature that you receive on becoming born again helps you to conquer the weakness of human nature, thus enabling you live above what is wrong and sinful.

But it does not end there
Someone might say to me – if that is the case, how come some believers fall into sin including even some men of God? Good question.

Let me answer it like this: The law of aerodynamics that makes the aeroplane to fly does not wipe away the law of gravity – it only suspends or renders it inoperative. But the moment that law is switched off during a flight, gravity will immediately take over and the aeroplane   will come down crashing. The law of gravity has no respect for position, size or status. It is either you neutralize it by the application of the law of aerodynamics or it will bring you down.

This is why after getting born again, you need to learn how to walk in victory in order to keep flying. It is also the reason why those who think they’re invincible should take heed, lest they fall.

Visit our websites for more helpful information on becoming a born again christian, vital keys to walking in victory and a lot more.

If you have a personal question that you would like me to answer for you or if you have a prayer request, feel free to contact me via this email address: